The Storyteller Essays

The Storyteller Essays

Walter Benjamin
750.00 ฿
750.00 ฿

A new translation of philosopher Walter Benjamin’s work as it pertains to his famous essay, “The Storyteller,” this collection includes short stories, book reviews, parables, and as a selection of writings by other authors who had an influence on Benjamin’s work.

“The Storyteller” is one of Walter Benjamin’s most important essays, a beautiful and suggestive meditation on the relation between narrative form, social life, and individual existence—and the product of at least a decade’s work. What might be called the story of The Storyteller Essays starts in 1926, with a piece Benjamin wrote about the German romantic Johann Peter Hebel. It continues in a series of short essays, book reviews, short stories, parables, and even radio shows for children. This collection brings them all together to give readers a new appreciation of how Benjamin’s thinking changed and ripened over time, while including several key readings of his own—texts by his contemporaries Ernst Bloch and Georg Lukács; by Paul Valéry; and by Herodotus and Montaigne. Finally, to bring things around, there are three short stories by “the incomparable Hebel” with whom the whole intellectual adventure began.

Physical Info: 127 x 203 x 12.7mm | Paperback

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