In Metaphilosophy, Henri Lefebvre works through the implications of Marx's revolutionary thought for philosophy. Metaphilosophy is conceived as a transformation of philosophy, developing it into a programme of radical worldwide change. The book demonstrates Lefebvre's debt to Hegel, Marx and Nietzsche, but it also brings a number of other figures into the conversation including Sartre, Heidegger and Axelos. Metaphilosophy stands as key text in Lefebvre's wide-ranging oeuvre, the foundation for his work on everyday life, the city and the production of space. It is also a key moment in contemporary thinking about philosophy's relation to the world.
Physical Info: 0.3 x 23.5 x 15.6 cm (0.36 kg) 384 pages
SKU: 9781784782740
Barcode: 9781784782740