Happy Apocalypse: A History of Technological Risk | Hardback
Happy Apocalypse: A History of Technological Risk | Hardback
  • โหลดรูปภาพลงในเครื่องมือใช้ดูของ Gallery Happy Apocalypse: A History of Technological Risk | Hardback
 ร้านหนังสือและสิ่งของ เป็นร้านหนังสือภาษาอังกฤษหายาก และร้านกาแฟ หรือ บุ๊คคาเฟ่ ตั้งอยู่สุขุมวิท กรุงเทพ
  • โหลดรูปภาพลงในเครื่องมือใช้ดูของ Gallery Happy Apocalypse: A History of Technological Risk | Hardback
 ร้านหนังสือและสิ่งของ เป็นร้านหนังสือภาษาอังกฤษหายาก และร้านกาแฟ หรือ บุ๊คคาเฟ่ ตั้งอยู่สุขุมวิท กรุงเทพ

Happy Apocalypse: A History of Technological Risk | Hardback

Jean-Baptiste Fressoz
1,155.00 ฿
1,155.00 ฿
ขายหมดแล้ว Last One

How risk, disasters and pollution were managed and made acceptable during the Industrial Revolution

Being environmentally conscious is not nearly as modern as we imagine. As a mode of thinking it goes back hundreds of years. Yet we typically imagine ourselves among the first to grasp the impact humanity has on the environment. Hence there is a fashion for green confessions and mea culpas.

But the notion of a contemporary ecological awakening leads to political impasse. It erases a long history of environmental destruction. Furthermore, by focusing on our present virtues, it overlooks the struggles from which our perspective arose.

In response, Happy Apocalypse plunges us into the heart of controversies that emerged in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries around factories, machines, vaccines and railways. Jean-Baptiste Fressoz demonstrates how risk was conceived, managed, distributed and erased to facilitate industrialization. He explores how clinical expertise around 1800 allowed vaccination to be presented as completely benign, how the polluter-pays principle emerged in the nineteenth century to legitimize the chemical industry, how safety norms were invented to secure industrial capital and how criticisms and objections were silenced or overcome to establish technological modernity.

Societies of the past did not inadvertently alter their environments on a massive scale. Nor did they disregard the consequences of their decisions. They seriously considered them, sometimes with dread. The history recounted in this book is not one of a sudden awakening but a process of modernizing environmental disinhibition.

Physical Info: 234 x 153 mm | 272 pages | Hardback

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